Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Sat 28 December 2024 Fajr 4:03  |  Sunrise 5:45  |  Dhuhr 12:57  |  Sunset 20:08  |  Maghrib 20:29
30/4/2020 – Cemetery Update – Behesht-e Zahra بهشت زهرا‎ The Paradise of Zahra


30/4/2020 – Cemetery Update – Behesht-e Zahra بهشت زهرا‎ The Paradise of Zahra

Behesht-e Zahra بهشت زهرا‎
The Paradise of Zahra

Allahamdulliah the works at Behest-e-Zahra cemetery #Rouse_Hill are now complete, there were delays due to the safe distancing requirements for the construction and preparation of the cemetery.

A cemetery is a sad place for us to attend, however it is a requirement and we now have place that will serve our community and will be considerate of the requirements of our community.

We thank you all for your support and especially those who have purchased a plot on the cemetery – May Allah grant you a long and healthy life.

Thank you






























Masjid Arrahman Al-Jaafaria Shia Islamic Centre Official Imam Husain Islamic Centre Al Zahra Funeral Services

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