9/05/2020 – 15th Ramadhan 1441 – Imam Hasan AS birthday – Thank you
Salaam Alaykum,
9th May 2020 – 15th Ramadhan 1441
Birthday of Imam Hasan AS and Imam Hasan Centre
Salaam Alaykum Dear Community,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continuous support of Imam Hasan Centre. This year would have been our 17th Ramadhan at Imam Hasan Centre, as it was October 16th 2004 – 1st of Ramadhan 1425 that we entered and had our first program at Imam Hasan Centre.
This year we won’t be able to pray and have iftar together, nor will we be able to celebrate the birthday of our 2nd Imam, the grandson of the Holy Prophet in the building named after him, it will be different but in our hearts we are one community.
With your support during these changed times, we have been able to continue providing many of the services virtually. From the 1st Saturday of the lock down on March 21st, 2020 all Madrassah classes were held online, and a huge thanks goes to the teachers who made themselves familiar with the process and were able to deliver the classes so professionally.
Quote from a parent “Massive thank you to the organisers & teachers. IHC is far ahead of our schools we have held the kids at home since Monday and these were the first teacher lead class they’ve had all week. Jazakallah”
We have continued the regular lectures including, lectures and Quran DARSA programs every night of Ramadhan. We thank Sis. Sabira Rashid and Br. Abbas Sachoo for organising and managing the nightly “DARSA” programs.
By the Grace of God and your support over the last 12 months we have been able to achieve significant milestones, some of them being:
- Establishment of the Behesht-e-Zahra Cemetery
- Jointly raise $750,000 through the Project Lebanon fund raiser
- Continued support for the Ramadhan appeal and various other humanitarian appeal.
- Provide more resources to our Madrassah students
A building is just concrete and steel, it is only when people like yourselves who support the services provided does it become a community.
We are grateful to Almighty GOD, for his mercy, guidance and blessings and we pray to GOD to bless you all, keep you all safe and InshAllah to have us all meet at Imam Hasan Centre very soon.
Thank you
Imam Hasan Centre – Directors and Trustees.