Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Sat 28 September 2024 Fajr 04 : 14  |  Sunrise 05 : 36  |  Dhuhr 11 : 46  |  Sunset 17 : 56  |  Maghrib 18 : 13
This Week at IHC – 24/09/2016 – Movie Night – Princess of Rome – Story about the mother of our 12th Imam – Lady Nargis A.S.


This Week at IHC – 24/09/2016 – Movie Night – Princess of Rome – Story about the mother of our 12th Imam – Lady Nargis A.S.

“Princess of Rome”

We are pleased to be able to show the animated movie Princess of Rome – Story about the mother of our 12th Imam – Lady Nargis A.S.

Saturday 24th September 2016 – 7.30 PM

The movie will be shown on special wide screen and is highly recommended for families to watch.

You can watch the trailer here –
Ticket Cost $5 per person

Popcorn and ice cream will be avail be to be purchased as well

We hope you can all join us