Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Thu 26 December 2024 Fajr 4:01  |  Sunrise 5:44  |  Dhuhr 12:56  |  Sunset 20:08  |  Maghrib 20:28
12th_Imam Ramadhan relief fund – Food_Packs


12th_Imam Ramadhan relief fund – Food_Packs

In honour of our 12th Imam, please #donate generously to those who desperately need food and medicine.

We are all going through uncertain times, many of us have financial difficulties, however every $ will help those who suffering in Pakistan India Afghanistan Kenya Tanzania Lebanon, Iraq and across many regions.

People have lost jobs, have no social security – food prices doubled – families have no money to buy the daily necessities – you can make a difference, we come to you for help as you have always been generous.

Donate a food pack for the month of Ramadhan cost approximately $100

“The nourishment of the body is food, while the nourishment of the soul is feeding other” – Imam Ali A.S.

Transfer to –

Imam Hasan Ltd
National Australia Bank
BSB 082167 A/C 576104865
REF# Ramadhan Relief

WF AID The World Federation of KSIMC