Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Tue 30 July 2024 Fajr 05 : 24  |  Sunrise 06 : 49  |  Dhuhr 12 : 02  |  Sunset 17 : 14  |  Maghrib 17 : 33
Muharrum 1442 – Program – English – Sheikh Mohammed Mehdi – Urdu – Sheikh Idrees-ul-Hassan (Video Link) – Children’s Program online – The A’immah (a) – Safeguarding the Message


Muharrum 1442 – Program – English – Sheikh Mohammed Mehdi – Urdu – Sheikh Idrees-ul-Hassan (Video Link) – Children’s Program online – The A’immah (a) – Safeguarding the Message

Salaam Alaykum


Muharrum 1442 will be a little different than we are used to, by the Grace of Allah the remembrance of Imam Husayn will continue.
For those of you who have registered and received confirmations you will be able to attend the centre for the lectures.
For our brothers and sisters unable to attend all programs will be available on Facebook and YouTube

You can follow our programs at – 
Facebook  – YouTube –

The program will start on Thursday night 20th of August, with Ashura day being Sunday 30th of August.

Programs will begin at 7.45 PM – with the English lecture starting at 8.00 PM and Urdu lectures at 8.45 PM with program finishing at 9.30 PM. For Ashura day program please download the calendar below.

We are pleased to advise –

Sheikh Mohammed Mehdi will present in English – live at the centre

Sheikh Idrees-ul-Hassan will present in Urdu – at this stage by video link

Calendar of Events CLICK HERE












CHILDREN’S PROGRAM – The A’immah (a) – Safeguarding the Message

A children program for ages 5 – 14 will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube 

You can follow our programs at – 
Facebook  – YouTube –














You can follow our programs at – 
Facebook  – YouTube –