Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Tue 16 July 2024 Fajr 05 : 31  |  Sunrise 06 : 58  |  Dhuhr 12 : 01  |  Sunset 17 : 05  |  Maghrib 17 : 24

Imam Hasan Centre

Running Costs

Running Costs

Imam Hasan Centre Running Costs - Covreing cost of Sheikh, Alim, electricity, water, cleaning and other running costs Running Costs
Niyaz Contribution

Niyaz Contribution

Thank you for contributing towards the Niyaz at Imam Hasan Centre. Niyaz_Contribution
Muharrum 1446-2024

Muharrum 1446-2024

Muharrum 1446-2024 donations Muharrum 1446-2024
Maintenance Costs

Maintenance Costs

Donate towards - Maintenance cost of Imam Hasan Centre Maintenance Costs

Imam Hasan Foundation



Make your donation to Sadaqa through our foundation website Pay Now


Make your donation to Khums through our foundation website Pay Now
Imam Hasan Foundation

Imam Hasan Foundation

Be the reason why someone smiles today and view our appeals on the Imam Hasan Foundation website. Help and donate today