Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Fri 27 September 2024 Fajr 04 : 16  |  Sunrise 05 : 38  |  Dhuhr 11 : 46  |  Sunset 17 : 55  |  Maghrib 18 : 13
This Week at IHC – 10/3/2016 – Commemorating the passing of Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S.


This Week at IHC – 10/3/2016 – Commemorating the passing of Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S.

Upcoming events this week

On Saturday 12th March, we will be commemorating the second of the two possible dates for the death anniversary of Bibi Fatima A.S.


Majlis will begin after Maghrib prayers at 7.37pm.

We have a visiting Alim Syed Ahmed Ali Abidi from Bangalore, India who was one of the first reciters at Imam Hasan Centre in 2004. Syed Ahmed Abidi will recite majlis in Urdu. Sheikh Imran will also recite in English.

Please note that there will be no separate ladies’ majlis as we have a visiting Alim.


Imam Hasan School News


Term 1 is underway and IHS Admin appreciates prompt payment of Term 1 fees. Thank you.


Classes begin at 5pm SHARP with Assembly and children can leave only after Maghrib prayers. If you are not staying for the majlis program, please collect your children quietly from the prayer halls as soon as prayer is over. Thank you.

Please arrive on time and attend the assembly at 5pm in the Main Hall.

Please make sure your children have a bag for their books and a pencil case with all their stationery.

Please make sure your child brings their Quran text book from last year for Quran revision in the first few weeks of term 1.

Please note: NO new enrolments will now be taken for Saturday classes.

Any new students who wish to join can now be taught on Thursday evenings before Maghrib prayers and Dua Kumayl.


Extra Quran Classes for IHS students

Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes from 7:00pm – 8:00pm for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. The recitation and understanding of Qur’an will be a big focus for the IHS this coming year as the aim will be for students to recite Surah Yasin in the Centre’s main programmes. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.

Classes will be taught by Sister Amina Alimohammed and Sheikh Dr. Imranali Panjwani.

For those interested, please contact Sheikh by email at or on mobile 0407 840 968.