Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Fri 27 September 2024 Fajr 04 : 16  |  Sunrise 05 : 38  |  Dhuhr 11 : 46  |  Sunset 17 : 55  |  Maghrib 18 : 13
This Week IHC – 28/05/2016 – Celebrating our 12th Imam Birthday – Preparing for Ramadhan


This Week IHC – 28/05/2016 – Celebrating our 12th Imam Birthday – Preparing for Ramadhan

Upcoming programs

On Saturday 28th May, we will be celebrating the birthday of 12th Imam Muhammad Mehdi A.S. The program will begin at 7.30pm.

Sheikh Imran will recite in English, followed by Maulana Shuaib who will recite majlis in Urdu.

On Saturday 4th June, there will be a ladies’ program for Dastarkhan of 12th Imam Muhammad Mahdi A.S. The program will begin at 7.30pm.

The first day of Ramadhan 1437 is expected to be on 7th June 2016. The 2016 Ramadhan timetable will be forwarded on Monday.



Term 2 is underway at Imam Hasan School.

Timings for Term 2 will be 4.15pm till 7.30pm.

Please note, children need to be present for ASSEMBLY at 4.15pm

There will be programs many nights this term starting at 7.30pm, celebrating the events in Shabaan. Please see the calendar for the full listing and we encourage you to attend if you are able to, to supplement the children’s learning. All lectures are in English.

If you are not staying for the programs, please collect your children from their classes promptly so that there is minimal noise and disturbance in the corridors and to the program. Thank you for your understanding with this.

Ramadhan Timings for Imam Hasan SchoolThere will be classes on Saturday AND Sunday from 4.15pm till Maghrib.

There will be a Ramadhan program on Saturday and Sunday after Iftar and parents are encouraged to stay with their children.


Extra Quran Classes for IHS students


Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. The recitation and understanding of Qur’an will be a big focus for the IHS this coming year as the aim will be for students to recite Surah Yasin in the Centre’s main programmes. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.

Classes will be taught by Sister Amina Alimohamed and Sheikh Dr. Imranali Panjwani.

For those interested, please contact Sheikh by email at or on mobile 0407 840 968.




Weekly Programs


Dua Kumayl                                      Thursday 7.30pm

Salat-e-Juma                                    Friday Zohr Time

Children’s Classes                          Saturday 4.30pm

Weekly Graduate Classes              Sunday 11.00pm