A Closer look at Islam – by Syed B Ali – Father of Dr Zainab Ali – A preview is available at http://book2look.com/book/gsPRy6VI2h
Salaam Alaykum
The Author – Syed B Ali is the father of Dr Zainab Ali
Announcing the recent publication of a book on Islam and Islamophobia, November 2016
“A Closer Look at Islam by Syed B Ali is a recent publication essentially in response to some anti-Islam books. It scrutinizes negative arguments against Islam and establishes conclusively that they are based largely on misinformation. It also shows that Islam’s sacred scripture, the Holy Quran, is not an armchair study and does not lend itself to the common technique of cherry-picking its verses.
It dissects poorly based conjectures that Muhammad was more myth than fact and it discusses the arguments of prominent atheists about the existence of a Supreme Creator.
It points to the difficulties in understanding the Quran and explains Islam by the conduct and example of some of its exemplary figures, such as Imam Ali, Imam Husayn and Imam Zainul Abedin (alaehmus salam).
A preview is available at http://book2look.com/book/gsPRy6VI2h
To purchase or for more information, visit http://acloserlookatislam.com
E-book US$ 0.99 Paperback US$ 16.12 Hard Cover US$ 23.38
Published by Xlibris Australia, 9 November 2016