ANNOUNCEMENT OF WINNER – Essay competition – Bibi Fatima Zahra AS
1st April 2018 – 13th Rajab 1439
Salaam Alaykum,
We congratulate you all on this auspicious day, the birth of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali A.S.
We thank you all for your participation, and may Allah reward every moment of your efforts in praising, researching and writing about the daughter of the Holy Prophet, Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S.
With any completion of this kind marking is very subjective and I am sure we would all have different outcomes if we all marked the essays, with 5 judges 2 essays stood out another 3 were very difficult to separate. Please note the intention of the judges was to selects the best they could and we thank them for their efforts.
We will also improve our communication as to what we are expecting for essays in the future and we hope you all submit essays in our future competitions.
The essays will be put on line for everyone to read shortly.
1st Place – Siddika Alidina & Zamena Manekia – Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
2nd Place – Abdirassoul Hassine – Tananarive, Madagascar.
3rd Place – Equal placing
Rukaiya M.T Nazerali – Mombasa Kenya
Fatima Suhail Manji – Nkurumah, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Congratulations to the winners. We will contact the winners shortly to organize for the prizes to be forwarded to them.
We thank you all for your participation and please look out for the new essay competition coming soon. You have feedback on how we can improve please send your feedback to info@imamhasancentre.com.au
Thank you for your participation,
Imam Hasan Centre.