Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Thu 1 August 2024 Fajr 05 : 23  |  Sunrise 06 : 48  |  Dhuhr 12 : 02  |  Sunset 17 : 16  |  Maghrib 17 : 35
“Fatimiya” – Commemorating the life of Lady Fatima Zahra AS. – Monday 28th December 2020 – 7.00 PM & Saturday 16th January 2021 – 7.00 PM 


“Fatimiya” – Commemorating the life of Lady Fatima Zahra AS. – Monday 28th December 2020 – 7.00 PM & Saturday 16th January 2021 – 7.00 PM 

Salaam Alaykum,

As we enter the period referred to as “FATIMIYA” which covers the 2 dates that are reported by historians as the date of the martyrdom of Lady Fatima Zahra AS, these being the 13th Jammadi”ul Awwal and the 3rd of Jammadiúl Thaani (more emphasis is placed on this day).

However due to the respect for the daughter of the Prophet both days are commemorated.

“Fatimiaya” at Imam Hasan Centre

Monday 28th December 2020 – 7.00 PM
Attend at Imam Hasan Centre – No pre registration required.
English – Sheikh Mohsen Nasser
UrduSheikh Maulana Kumail Mehdavi
(Maulana was going to attend but due to restrictions will be online)


Saturday 16th January 2021 – 7.00 PM 
Attend at Imam Hasan Centre – No pre registration required.
Discussion about the life of Lady Fatima Zahra AS, covering all the misinformation and questions about the life of Lady Fatima Zahra AS. Analysing the conflicting Hadith.

Guests Panelists – Father Christopher Clohessy,
                                     Sheikh Nur Mohammed
                                     Sheikh Mohsen Nasser (will also close the program with Masaib)

Covering the period from her birth to her martyrdom.
Audience will be able to ask questions and participate in the discussion.


Calendar of Events 2021
Click Here


Weekly Programs
Thursday – Dua Kumayl – Maghrib

Friday – Salaat-e-Juma – Zohr

Saturday – Madrassah – on holidays