Imam Hasan Centre – Muhammadi Welfare Association 4th August 2020
#Brotherhood #Unity #Thank_you
Allahmdulillah by the Grace of God and all your efforts, Imam Hasan Centre was able to assist Muhammadi Welfare Association with their request for funds to complete their new Islamic Centre in Kemps Creek.
With support from the community in Australia and overseas Imam Hasan Centre was able to provide the following-
1. $400,000 Interest free loan
2. $25,000 in donations
We would like to thank everyone who contributed towards this cause and we wish Muhammadi Welfare Association all the best to now complete their beautiful new centre.
We wish to thank Dr Haider Naqvi, Syed Tanweer Hassan and Syed Shabi Jaffer and the MWA executive team who worked closely with IHC to make all this work.smoothly.
Photos below of Syed Shabih Jaffer finalising the paperwork with Br. Baqir Raza. and Br. Mohamed Damji
Completing paperwork today
4th August 2020.