Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Tue 1 April 2025 Fajr 5:46  |  Sunrise 7:07  |  Dhuhr 12:59  |  Sunset 18:50  |  Maghrib 19:08
Juma – Friday prayers restart


Fri 15th Oct 2021 | 12.41pm

Juma – Friday prayers restart

Salaam Alaykum,

We are pleased to advise that with the easing of the covid restrictions Juma prayers will restart on Friday 15th October 2021, with the conditions listed below.

Conditions of entry
1. Entry only for aged over 16.
2. Must have vaccination certificate – for full vaccination.
3. Scan QR code on entry
4. Face masks are mandatory
5. Density rule of 1 per 4 SQM will apply
6. Maintain social distancing rules – avoid shaking hands etc.
7. Use sanitiser on entry


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