Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Sat 25 January 2025 Fajr 4:33  |  Sunrise 6:09  |  Dhuhr 13:07  |  Sunset 20:05  |  Maghrib 20:25
Nights of Qadr – 1443 – 19th night of Ramadhan – Thursday night April 21st.


Nights of Qadr – 1443 – 19th night of Ramadhan – Thursday night April 21st.

Salaam Alaykum,

Imam Hasan Centre will commence the nights of Qadr from
Thursday 21st April – 19th night of Ramadhan as the majority of our community follow the rulings of His Eminence Sayed Ali Sistani.
Please download the calendar for the 17th of Ramadhan to EID here DOWNLOAD
Ayatullah Khamenei
We apologies to the followers of Ayatullah Khamenei that we are not able to offer 6 nights of Qadr programs as the followers of Ayatullah Khamenei are 1 day earlier than the followers of Ayatullah Sistani.
For followers of Ayatullah Khamenei the following Mosques and Centre’s are offering 6 nights of QADR to cater for both – Al Zahra MosqueAl Jaafariya Shia Islamic Centre – Imam Husain Islamic Centre – and various other organisations around Sydney.
We apologies for not being able to cater for both this year and InshAllah will look to cater for these situations next time. Please respect everyone choices and refer to the note below about the nights of QADR.
Abu-Baseer said: “I asked Imam Sadiq (a.s): Sometimes we start Ramadhan on a day (because of a cloud) but then someone comes to us from another place (where they share the same horizon with us) and informs us that they had sighted the moon a night earlier. What shall we do for the Night of Qadr? Imam Sadiq (a.s) replied: ” (You already do not know the exact Night of Qadr) and hence you seek it mainly in the Nights of 21st and the 23rd. So, how easy it is to revive more nights for (the great) things you are looking (in the Night of Qadr)! (al-Kafi vol.4 p.156)