Saturday 2nd September – 8.00AM – Eid-ul-Adha prayers – 2.00 PM Luna Park
Salam Alaykum Firstname
Saturday 2nd September 8.00 AM
Eid prayers will begin at 8am, led by Sheikh Ali Alsamail, followed by breakfast.
Luna Park – 2.00 pm
We are looking forward to celebrating Eid with students of Imam Hasan School and their families at Luna Park for an Eid celebration instead from 2pm onwards.
Please see the Office on Eid day to make final ticket payments and collect your tickets if you haven’t already done so.
On Saturday 16thSeptember we will be celebrating the birthday of 10th Imam Ali Un-Naqi A.S. as well as Eid Ghadeer and Eid Mubahila. There will be Eid stalls after dinner.
Imam Hasan School News
There will be no classes on Saturday 2nd September as it is the day of Eid ul Adha.
Families are welcome to bring their own dinner/snack and drinks to Luna Park.
Thanks to all the parents who took the time to attend the Parent-Teacher interviews this term on Saturday 12th and 19th August. If you were not able to attend, please speak to the teacher/s of your child to organise a time. Teachers are not available during class time to speak to parents.
Classes will be held on Saturday 9th September and Saturday 16th September.
The last day of Term 3 will be Saturday 16th September.