Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Thu 27 March 2025 Fajr 5:42  |  Sunrise 7:04  |  Dhuhr 13:00  |  Sunset 18:57  |  Maghrib 19:15

History & Values


Imam Hasan School (IHS) opened its doors for classes in Islamic Studies and recitation of Quran with around 40 students and 6 teachers in 2004. Since then Alhamdulillah, it has grown steadily. In 2015, 140 students were enrolled from ages 5 to 16 years and in 2017, we have 180 students and 20 teachers in total. In 2016, we introduced assembly as part of the school and this time is used to encourage students to recite du’as, make presentations as well as show interesting Islamic video clips.

In 2009, an Australasia-wide Madrassah workshop was hosted by Imam Hasan Centre over 2 days. In-house teachers’ training and Quran sessions have been held regularly over the years to support the volunteer teaching staff.

The school has always been connected to the community programs and students are encourage to recite Surat al-Yasin before the main lectures. Students complete their learning process by staying back after school time for the lectures and volunteering for food and cleaning. The school therefore prepares students to not just be part of the school but the whole community as well.


In the beginning, handouts and worksheets from various online sources were being used but by 2010, IHS had compiled its own Islamic Studies course, using online resources including Hujjat Saturday Workshop, London and These resources are currently being used in addition to resources from Qfatima. We have always taught students 4 components of Islamic Studies – Fiqh, Akhlaq, Tarikh and Qur’an. For Qur’an, IHS teachers have compiled their own resources to teach recitation for classes 1-4. From class 5 upwards, there is greater focus on learning smaller surahs of the Qur’an, ayat al-kursi, surat al-Yasin, surat al-Rahman as well as daily duas. Qfatima resources are used to teach children the meaning of what they recite.

Imam Hasan School has always laid stress on practical leaning initiatives like plays and presentations. From time to time, on the wiladat celebrations / wafat of Aimma, different classes present plays / skits/ poems or Qasidas for parents. “Practical Umra ” was the highlight of 2014, in which every student came dressed in ehram and performed all the stages of umra, including tawaf, Sa’ee, taqseer and a sip of Zam Zam (tawaaf was performed round a large replica of the K’abah).

The Ladies’ majlis held on the wafat of Bibi Sakina for the past 2 years has been fully conducted by IHS girls. Teachers are encouraged to hold classes outside the four walls of classrooms. Religious quizzes and Quran comprehension (Mafaheem-e-Quran) competitions are becoming part of Ramadhan activities.

There are practical demonstrations and lessons on doing wudhu and praying salah. For the past two years, all non-baligh boys have a separate salat al-jama’ah whereby graduating boys get a green light to join adults’ jamaat. The junior children and non baligh girls have always had separate salah groups. Thursday Qur’an classes are also available for any student that requires further practice in Qur’an.


Senior boys, usually joined by fathers, play outdoor /indoor soccer and table tennis regularly. We have also held holiday workshops for students from time to time, and annual IHS picnics in the park. Cooking competitions have been held in the past for the mothers; a recipe booklet was published and distributed to the Community. The school also organised a trip to Luna Park which the children thoroughly enjoyed. More recently, the graduate boys have organised a football competition for the older classes during break time.


For new parents, please see our rules and regulations sheet here: IHS Rules and Responsibilities


Have a look at the school’s and centre’s activities here: