Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Mon 24 February 2025 Fajr 5:12  |  Sunrise 6:38  |  Dhuhr 13:08  |  Sunset 19:39  |  Maghrib 19:57
Solar Eclipse Sydney – Thursday 20th April


Thu 20th Apr 2023 | 1.36pm

Solar Eclipse Sydney – Thursday 20th April

Salaam Alaykum

On Thursday 20th April 2023, Sydney will have solar eclipse between the time shown below. Salaat-ul-Ayat is “WAJIB” mandatory. If missed qaza must be prayed.

How to pray is shown below – for more information for followers of Ayatullah Sistani see link below –

Time Event
1:36:41 pm Partial Eclipse begins The Moon touches the Sun’s edge.
2:28:56 pm Maximum Eclipse Moon is closest to the center of the Sun.
3:18:39 pm Partial Eclipse ends The Moon leaves the Sun’s edge.

How to pray Salaat-ul-Ayat

Salaat-ul-Ayaat consists of two Rak’ats, and there are 5 Rukoo’ in each.

Make intention for Salaatul Ayaat and recite:

1st Rak’at

Surah al-Hamd & Surah Ikhlas (for example) then go to Rokoo’, then stand up and recite Surah al-Hamd & Ikhlas then go to Rokoo’. Until you complete five times. After the fifth Rokoo’ go for Sujood.

2nd Rak’at:

Surah al-Hamd & Ikhlas then Rokoo’, then again al-Hamd & Ikhlas, then Rokoo’.Do this five times the same as the first Rak’at and then after the fifth Rokoo’ go for Sojood and Tashahud and Salam.

If Salatul-Ayaat is for an eclipse, it is Mustahab to offer it in Jama’a.  (As per the rules of the Jama’a Prayer, only the Imam recites the two Surahs).


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