This week at IHC 11-05-2017 – 15th Shaaban Aamal / Birthday Program of our 12th Imam / Congratulations to MWA
Salaam Alaykum
Treasure Scott Morrison will hand down the budget on Tuesday night, and more importantly Thursday 15th Night of Shaaban is your budget night.
15th Shaaban Aamal Thursday 11th May – 7.30 PM
On Thursday 11th May, there will aamal for the 15th night of Shabaan, including writing of Ariza. Aamal will begin at 7.30pm
One of the main parts of the Aamal is reciting Sura Yasin 3 times, if you would like to recite please contact Sheikh Imran when you arrive.
ARIZA’s will be available at the centre, if unable to attend and you require an ARIZA please email us on info@imamhasancentre.com.au
It is highly recommended to fast on the 15th day of Shaaban, which will be Friday.
Fasting is recommended on the 15th day of Shabaan, which falls on Friday the 12th of May
12th Imam Birthday Program
On Saturday 13th May, we will celebrate the birthday of our 12th Imam Muhammad Mahdi A.S. The program will begin at 7.30pm with a short presentation by students of
7.40 Sheikh Imran – English Lecture
8.15 Quiz
8.45 Dinner
On Saturday 20th May, there will be a Ladies’ program for Dastarkhan of our 12th Imam at 7.30pm. There will be dua e Tawassaul and 12th Imam’s tasbih.
Muhammadi Welfare Association
Congratulations to Muhammadi Welfare Association on raising $200,000 at the fund raiser held at Imam Hasan Centre, IHC was honoured in hosting the event and it was wonderful to see communities working together and promoting unity and achieving and amazing result.
Islamic Date (DAY) | Program Date | Date | Time |
15th (night) Sha’baan | Thursday 11th May (night) | Shabe-Barat AAMAL Night (ARIZA)
Night of Birthday of 12th Imam Mahdi A.S. |
7.30PM |
15th (day) Sha’baan | Saturday 13th May |
Birthday of 12th Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi A.S. |
7.30PM |
Saturday 20th May | Dastarkhan – 12th Imam A.S.- Ladies’ program | 7.30PM | |
1st (day) Ramadhan | Sunday 28th May | Ramadhan Timetable will be forwarded later | |
1st Shawwal | Monday 26th June | EID-ul-Fitr – Salaat – (check for confirmation) | 7.30 AM |
Extra Quran Classes for IHS students
Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.
Classes will be taught by Sheikh Dr. Imranali Panjwani and Sister Amina Alimohamed.
For those interested, please contact Sheikh by email at Imranali.Panjwani@imamhasancentre.com.au or on mobile 0407 840 968.
Weekly Programs
Dua Kumayl Thursday 7.30pm
Salat-e-Juma Zohr Time
Madrassah Saturday 4.30pm – 7.30pm