This week at IHC 18-03-2017 – Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S. birthday – Shiekh Arif & Sheikh Kumail Mehdavi – Workshop continues
Salaam Alaykum
Thank you for making last weekend busy schedule so successful, with the workshop presented by Sheikh Arif Abdulhussein “The Existence of God” and the viewing of the documentary “Why Can’t I be a Sushi”
This Saturday we are fortunate to have both Sheikh Arif Abdulhussein and Sheikh Kumail Mehdavi at presenting Imam Hasan Centre.
Saturday 18th March 2017 – Birthday Celebration of Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S.
5.30 PM Workshop with Sheikh Arif Abdulhussein –
Existence of God, Intervention and Suffering
7.30 PM Maghrib Prayers
8.00 PM IHC School Students Presentation
8.15 PM Sheikh Arif Abdulhussein – Lady Fatima Zahra A.S.
8.45 PM IHC Community URDU Poetry
9.00 PM Sheikh Kumail Mehdavi – Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S. (URDU)
9.30 PM Dinner
Sunday 19th March 2017
1.30 PM – Sheikh Arif Abdulhussein lecture
Saturday 25th March | Imam Hasan A.S. Dastarkhan- Ladies’ program | Maghrib |
Thursday 30th March | Birthday – Imam Muhammad al Baqir A.S.-Dua Kumayl
Aamal Laylatul Raghaib – 1st Thursday of Rajab |
7.30PM |
Saturday 1st April | Martyrdom of Imam Ali –un- Naqi A.S. | 7.30PM |
Imam Hasan School News
Term 1 for 2017 began successfully last week.
Please note this term’s timings will be 5pm till after Maghrib prayers.
Children can leave after they have recited Maghrib prayers.
Please make sure children bring their bags with pencil case and Quran books from last year (for revision)
Please make sure children are dressed in long loose clothing for classes and prayers.
Thank you to all our teachers and volunteers for their efforts on the day and rest of the term Inshallah.
Parents of children from Classes 1-4 will be asked to assist with duties from time to time by their teachers. Please work with the teachers and support and assist them to ensure the classes run smoothly. Thank you in advance!
Up to date information on IHS in 2017 will be posted on our Facebook page. Please join our private group on Facebook Imam Hasan Centre as this group is meant for Imam Hasan School families to keep in touch with events at IHS and the Centre.
Extra Quran Classes for IHS students
Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.
Classes will be taught by Sheikh Dr. Imranali Panjwani and Sister Amina Alimohamed.
For those interested, please contact Sheikh by email at Imranali.Panjwani@imamhasancentre.com.au or on mobile 0407 840 968.
Weekly Programs
Dua Kumayl Thursday 7.30pm
Salat-e-Juma Zohr Time
Madrassah Saturday 5.00pm – 7.30pm