This week at IHC – 19th 20th 21st April – Imam Mahdi AS – Birthday Celebration
This week
Friday 19th | 11.54 AM | Juma Prayers (Sheikh Nami) |
1.00 PM | Arcade Amusement games
Arcade Games, Twin Car Driver Simulators, Motorbike Simulators, Soccer Tables, Air Gold Coin Donation Sydney v Melbourne Volleyball Match Please bring one plate |
Saturday 20th | 7.30 PM | Dr Salman Turabi & Local reciters (URDU)
Ladies’ Dastarkhan of 12th Imam- Dua Tawassul– Tasbih |
Sunday 21st | 7.30 PM | Shab-e-Barat AAMAL
15th Night of Sha’ban AAMAL ARIZA With Sheikh Nami (English) |
NOTE – ADDED – EVENT – Saturday 20th April – 7.30 PM
Lecture & Discussion with Dr. Salman Turabi
Dr. Salman Turabi – Lectures in Australia
Imam Hasan Centre is very grateful to Dr. Turabi for accepting our invitation to coem to Australia and thank the communities who have organised lectures with D. Turabi
Tuesday 9th April | Al-Asr Centre – Melbourne | 7.30 PM |
Thursday 11th April | Imam Hasan Centre – Canberra | |
Saturday 13th April | Imam Hasan Centre – Annangrove | 7.30 PM |
Thursday 18th April | Brisbane | |
Friday 19th April | Brisbane | |
Saturday 20th April | Imam Hasan Centre – Annangrove | 7.30 PM |
Sunday 21st April | Muhammadi Welfare Association | 7.30 PM |
Ramadhan Workshop with Sheikh Nami – Please keep these dates free April 27 & May 4th – More details to be provided shortly.
Donations Page
You can now easily donate for Orphans & Needy, Saadqa, Niyaaz, Khumps and other charitable options at https://www.imamhasancentre.com.au/donations/
We would like to thank Br. Sorash for all his hard work and we request you to recite Sura-Faatiha for his beloved father Marhum Hassan Abbas.
Friday 19th April | Easter Friday Holiday – Fun Day | After Juma |
Saturday 20th April | Lecture & Discussion – Dr. Salman Turabi | 7.30 PM |
Sunday 21st April (night) | Shabe-Barat AAMAL Night (ARIZA)
Night of Birthday of 12th Imam Mahdi A.S. |
7.30PM |
Saturday 27th April | Birthday of 12th Imam Muhammad Al Mahdi A.S. | 7.30PM |
TBC | Dastarkhan – 12th Imam A.S.- Ladies’ program | 7.30PM |
Tuesday 7th May | Ramadhan Timetable will be forwarded later | |
Wednesday 5th June
(Most likely – Check) |
EID-ul-Fitr – Salaat – (check for confirmation)
This year’s sighting will be tricky – please check for updates |
7.30 AM |
Current Events Calendar – CLICK HERE
Imam Hasan School News – Contact email – ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au
Imam Hasan School teachers have been busy during the holidays completing training to roll out a new Islamic Studies Syllabus and textbooks this school year.
Please log onto the School online system at…………to keep up-to-date with the latest school news including 2019 term dates.
For parents and students – portal address is https://studentportal.imamhasancentre.com.au
Allhamdullilah, Thursday evening classes have more than 20 children registered and we are in need of teachers to help with Quran. If you can spare an hour from 6.30PM – Maghrib, please email ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au
Extra Quran Classes for IHS students
Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.
Classes will be taught by Sister Amina Alimohamed.
For those interested, please contact Sis Zohra Aly by email at ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au or on mobile 0416259241.
Weekly Programs
Dua Kumayl Thursday 7.30pm
Salat-e-Juma Zohr Time
Madrassah Saturday 4.30 pm – 7.30 pm
(Summer time 5.00 PM – Maghrib)