This week at IHC 25-06-2017 – Eid Mubarak – Moon has been sighted
Salaam Alaykum
The moon has been sighted across by us all at Imam Hasan Center and across Australia, Eid will be Monday 26th June.
Please detail below for Salaat-ul-Eid
Monday – 26th June – Salaat-ul-Eid
7.30 AM Dua Nudba 8.00 AM – Salat-ul-Eid Followed by Breakfast |
Fitrah – see table
Saturday July 1 – 6.00 PM Eid Celebration – Includes Interfaith program
Extra Quran Classes for IHS students
Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.
Classes will be taught by Sister Amina Alimohamed.
For those interested, please contact Sis Zohra Aly by email at info@imamhasancentre.com.au or on mobile 0416259241.
Weekly Programs
Dua Kumayl Thursday 7.30pm
Salat-e-Juma Zohr Time
Madrassah Saturday 4.30pm – 7.30pm