Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Sat 28 September 2024 Fajr 04 : 14  |  Sunrise 05 : 36  |  Dhuhr 11 : 46  |  Sunset 17 : 56  |  Maghrib 18 : 13
This week at IHC 29/10/2015 – MADRASSAH RESTARTS ON SATURDAY / GUEST SPEAKER Dr Syed Nasir Zaidi


This week at IHC 29/10/2015 – MADRASSAH RESTARTS ON SATURDAY / GUEST SPEAKER Dr Syed Nasir Zaidi

Upcoming events

This Saturday 31st October we will be commemorating the 10th of the Shuhada-e-Karbala. The program will begin after Maghribain prayers with a lecture in English by Sheikh Imran, followed by majlis in Urdu by Maulana Dr Syed Nasir Zaidi. —–

On Saturday 7th November, we will be commemorating the death anniversary of 4th Imam Ali Zainul Abideen A.S. Majlis will begin after Maghribain prayers.—–

On Saturday 14th November, we will be commemorating the 20th of Shuhada-e-Karbala. There will also be a separate majlis for ladies for the Shahadat of Bibi Sakina A.S. —–

Download Current Calendar HERE —–


Imam Hasan School News —–

Classes will resume (after the break for Muharram majlis) on Saturday 31st October at 5pm SHARP

Classes begin at 5pm SHARP, and students can leave after they have recited Maghribain prayers.

Please pay fees for Term 4 in the office. Please bring children to class on time and with their bags and books.

Extra Quran classes for students have re-started on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm.


Dua Kumayl begins after Maghribain prayers on Thursday evenings.