This week at IHC – 6/11/2018 – Demise of the Prophet (Tuesday) Imam Hasan AS (Wednesday) & Imam Reza AS (Thursday)
28th – 29th and 30th Safar
Tuesday 6th November – Night of 28th Safar
IHC will be commemorating the demise of our Holy Prophet SAAW on Tuesday night 6th November starting with Maghrib prayers at 7.51 PM. Lecture will be in English by Sheikh Nami Farhat.
Wednesday 7th November -Day of 28th Safar – Night of 29th Safar
IHC will be commemorating the Martyrdom of Imam Hasan AS on Wednesday 7th Novemeber starting with Maghrib prayers at 7.51 PM. Lecture will be in English by Sheikh Nami Farhat.
Thursday 8th November -Night of 30th Safar
IHC will be commemorating the Martyrdom of Imam Reza AS on Wednesday 7th November starting with Maghrib prayers at 7.51 PM.
Current Calendar – Muharrum – Rabbi-ul-Awwal
Download – CLICK HERE
1440 AH – 2018 – 2019 Calendar
Please find attached the calendar fro 1440 AH or click here to download the calendar https://www.imamhasancentre.com.au/islamic-calendar-1440-ah-2018-2019/
28th Night of Safar | Tuesday 6th November | Tuesday 6th November | Demise of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Martyrdom of Imam Hasan A.S. English – Sheikh Nami Farhat |
7.51 PM |
28th Day of Safar | Wednesday 7th November | Wednesday 7th November | Demise of Prophet Muhammad SAW
Martyrdom of Imam Hasan A.S. English – Sheikh Nami Farhat |
7.51 PM |
29th Night of Safar | Thursday 8th November | Thursday 8th November | Wafat of Imam Redha AS | 7.52 PM
Dua Kumayl |
8th Night of
Rabbi-ul-Awwal |
Friday 16th November | Friday 16th November | Martyrdom of Imam Hasan Askari A.S.
Wafat Night Starts on Friday Night |
8.00 PM |
9th Night of
Rabbi-ul-Awwal |
Saturday 17th November | Saturday 17th November | Wilayat of Imam Mahdi AS Eid-e-Zehra – Wilayat Night Starts on Saturday Night | 8.01 PM |
17th Rabbi-ul-Awwal | Monday 26th November | Saturday 24th November | Birthday of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
Birthday of Imam Jaafar-e-Sadiq AS |
8.08 PM |
Yemen Relief Fund Appeal
Please support Appeal on December 16, 2018 – to make buy a ticket or make a donation https://www.imamhasancentre.com.au/donations/
SAVE THE DATE – Please lock in Sunday December 16, 2.00 PM – for your part to make a difference for humanity
Supporting Centers and organizations
Imam Hasan School News
Term 4 has started.
Timings are 5pm till after Maghrib prayers have been recited.
Please pay fees on time. Thank you
Allhamdullilah, Thursday evening classes have more than 20 children registered and we are in need of teachers to help with Quran. If you can spare an hour from 6.30PM – Maghrib, please email ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au
Extra Quran Classes for IHS students
Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.
Classes will be taught by Sister Amina Alimohamed.
For those interested, please contact Sis Zohra Aly by email at ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au or on mobile 0416259241.
Weekly Programs
Dua Kumayl Thursday 7.30pm
Salat-e-Juma Zohr Time
Madrassah Saturday 4.30 pm – 7.30 pm
(Summer time 5.00 PM – Maghrib)