Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Sat 15 March 2025 Fajr 5:32  |  Sunrise 6:54  |  Dhuhr 13:04  |  Sunset 19:13  |  Maghrib 19:31
26-06-2018 – UPDATED EVENTS CALENDAR Shawaal 1439 – Muharrum 1440


26-06-2018 – UPDATED EVENTS CALENDAR Shawaal 1439 – Muharrum 1440

Salaam Alaykum 

Please find attached the updated current events calendar.

You can also CLICK HERE to download.

As always the YEARLY TIMETABLE and SALAAT TIMETABLE are on the website.

If you require any further information please email 

Thank you