Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Tue 16 July 2024 Fajr 05 : 31  |  Sunrise 06 : 58  |  Dhuhr 12 : 01  |  Sunset 17 : 05  |  Maghrib 17 : 24
Muharrum 1446 – 2024


Sun 7th Jul 2024 | 7.30pm

Muharrum 1446 – 2024

Salaam Alaykum,

Sunday 7th July will be the 1st night of Muharrum, ans we commence the period of mourning for Imam Husayn A.S. his family and companions.

We are pleased to advise that resepected Scholar Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi will be presenting lectures in Muharrum in Urdu. He will also be presenting his Khums workshops on Sunday 14th July at 11.00am

We are also pleased to advise that Dr. Ali Alsamail will be presenting the English lectures and Sis. Afshaan Mukhtar will be presenting for children under 12.


Programs will start at 7.20pm with JAMMAT ISHA PRAYERS witht the program starting at 7.30PM

Calendar of Events

1446 Calendar



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