This week at IHC 18/07/2020 – Commemoration of the Martyrdom Imam Muhammad Taqi AS – Eid-ul-Adha prayer registration – Attendance Limit 100
Salaam Alaykum Dear
We are pleased to advise that the timetabled lectures will now be held at Imam Hasan Centre, there will be a limit of 100 people from July 1.
To maintain the limit of 100 we request at this stage we request only adult 18+ attend the lectures.
On Saturday 18th July, 2020 at 7.30 PM we will be commemorating the Martyrdom of 9th Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S.
We look forward to seeing you at Imam Hasan Centre on Saturday.
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/imamhasancentre – YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/c/ImamHasanCentreSydney
Eid-ul-Adha is expected to be on Saturday 1st August, 2020. You will need to register here before attending prayers. Limit to each prayer is 100 participants. Prayers will be for Males only age 16+.
Registration at – https://studentportal.imamhasancentre.com.au/form/view/Eid_ul_Adha
Registrations does not mean your attendance is confirmed, you will recive an SMS close to the date once Eid date is confirmed.
Dua Kumayl on Thursday’s (7.30 PM) and Salaat-e-Juma on Friday (MIDDAY) will continue as normal. (100 attendee limit)
Madrassah will continue online and we will advise of any changes for Term 3.
UPCOMING LECTURES –https://www.imamhasancentre.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Shawaal1441_Muharram_1442AH_2020.docx.pdf
29th Dhul Qa’dah | Tuesday 21st July | Saturday 18th July | Martyrdom of 9th Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S. | 7.30 PM |
1st Dhul Hijjah | Thursday 23rd July | Information Only | Marriage of Imam Ali AS. & Bibi Fatima AS. | |
7th Dhul Hijjah 9th Dhul Hijjah | Wednesday 29th July Friday 31st July | Saturday 1st August | Martyrdom of 5th Imam Baqir A.S Martyrdom Hazrat Muslim A.S. | 7.30 PM |
9th Dhul Hijjah | Friday 31st July | Friday 31st July | Arafah Day – Dua Arafah – Start with Zohr Prayers | Juma Salaat |
10th Dhul Hijjah | Saturday 1st August | Saturday 1st August | Salat-ul-Eid Al Adha /Qurbani | 8:00 AM |
15th Dhul Hijjah | Thursday 6th August |
Saturday 8th August |
Birthday of 10th Imam Ali-un-Naqi | 7.30 PM |
18th Dhul Hijjah | Sunday 9th August | Eid-e-Ghadeer | ||
22nd Dhul Hijjah | Thursday 13th August | Information Only | Martyrdom of sons of Hazrat Muslim A.S. | |
24th Dhul Hijjah | Saturday 15th August | Eid-e-Mubahila | 7.30 PM |
Imam Hasan Centre