Imam Hasan Centre Sydney Australia | Telephone 9679 0855 |
Imam Hasan Centre
Prayer times: Fri 27 September 2024 Fajr 04 : 16  |  Sunrise 05 : 38  |  Dhuhr 11 : 46  |  Sunset 17 : 55  |  Maghrib 18 : 13
This week at IHC – 1/04/2016 – Celebrating the Birthday of Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S. – Dastarkhan of Imam Hasan A.S.


This week at IHC – 1/04/2016 – Celebrating the Birthday of Bibi Fatima Zahra A.S. – Dastarkhan of Imam Hasan A.S.

Salaam Alaykum brothers and sisters,

On Saturday 2nd April will be the birthday of Bibi Fatima A.S. and the Dastarkhan of Imam Hasan A.S. —

The program will begin after Maghribain prayers at 7.30pm. —

Upcoming Programs —

On Saturday 9th April, we will be celebrating the birthday of Imam Muhammad Baqir A.S. —

The program will begin after Maghribain prayers at 7.30pm. — 



A reminder to all parents CLASSES WILL RESUME ON SATURDAT 2nd APRIL


Imam Hasan School will re-open on SATURDAY 2nd APRIL.
Term 1 Islamic studies tests will be held on the 2nd of April.

The last day of term 1 will be SATURDAY 9th APRIL.


Weekly Programs

Thursday – Dua Kumayl – 7.30PM

Friday  – Salaat -e- Juma 1.00pm

Sunday – Irfan Classes 11.00 AM