This week at IHC – 12/1/2019 – birthday of Bibi Zaynab A.S. on Saturday 12th January 2019
Salaam Alaykum Dear ,
We hope you all have had a good break and are ready to attend lectures and programs for 2019.
SATURDAY – 12th January 2019
We will be celebrating the birthday of Bibi Zaynab A.S. on Saturday 12th January 2019.
Majlis will begin at 7pm and will be recited by Sheikh Nami Farhat. The program will finish with Maghribain prayers and Niyaz.
Saturday 19th January
On Saturday 19th January, we will be commemorating the demise of Bibi Fatema A.S.
Majlis will begin at 7pm and will be recited by Sheikh Nami Farhat.
HSC – Outstanding results
We would like to congratulate the following students for achieving outstanding results in the 2019 HSC
Sis. Samaana Abbas 97.55 ATAR
Br. Muhammad Daniyal Badami 90.40 ATAR
We will present awards on February 23rd, 2019.
Current Events Calendar – CLICK HERE
Imam Hasan School News – Contact email – ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au
Imam Hasan School teachers have been busy during the holidays completing training to roll out a new Islamic Studies Syllabus and textbooks this school year.
Please log onto the School online system at…………to keep up-to-date with the latest school news including 2019 term dates.
For parents and students – portal address is https://studentportal.imamhasancentre.com.au
Allhamdullilah, Thursday evening classes have more than 20 children registered and we are in need of teachers to help with Quran. If you can spare an hour from 6.30PM – Maghrib, please email ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au
Extra Quran Classes for IHS students
Imam Hasan Centre is offering Thursday evening Qur’an classes for new and existing IHS students who wish to improve their recitation. Thursday Qur’an classes intend to supplement the madrasah learning.
Classes will be taught by Sister Amina Alimohamed.
For those interested, please contact Sis Zohra Aly by email at ihs@imamhasancentre.com.au or on mobile 0416259241.
Weekly Programs
Dua Kumayl Thursday 7.30pm
Salat-e-Juma Zohr Time
Madrassah Saturday 4.30 pm – 7.30 pm
(Summer time 5.00 PM – Maghrib)